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Meet Our Ministry Team



Here at Trinity we believe that each and every member and participant is a member of the ministry team.  From greeters to alter guild, readers to hospitality crew we are all here to serve God's people.  Below are 

Allison Anderson - Office Manager

Nicky Wathne - Organist

Kathy Soma-Gawronski - Organist

Pastor Gary Lundberg became our pastor on August 1, 2022.

2022 Church Council

Pesident - Jill Larson

Vice President - Ken Gilbertson

Treasurer - Bob Schlotman

Property/Building - Charles Olson

Property/Grounds - Tim Hornung

Evangelism - Chris Olson

Education - Paige Hanson

Social & Fellowship - Mark Urness

Stewardship - Karen Hornung

Worship - Nicky Wathne


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